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Overcoming the Fear Factor for Hosts

Most of nearly anything we do that is new has a fear factor attached. Hosting a homesong gig can and should be a relaxing and wonderful experience. But that doesn’t meant there won’t be nerves. The simplest way to get over the fear is, of course, simply to do it. What are you waiting for? But before you do here are a five reasons to feel very positive about hosting a homesong gig:

You’re going to have a unique and creative artist , whether well known or not, coming to play in your front living room. It’s a little bit different from watching a tiny, though famous, little person, through your binoculars in a muddy festival field or a sterile conference hall.

You are going to get to know your neighbours better and bring people together in your neighbourhood. Friendlier communities? It could catch on!

People love these gigs. You made it happen!

You are helping to promote the creation of original music and art. Trust me, having a listening, attentive audience who are not simply getting drunk and asking for someone else’s songs, is a big inspiration to creative dudes.

Sticking your neck out and doing something new is the biggest antidote to stagnant living known to human kind. Taking responsibility and, yes, a risk (but not a life threatening one) is good for the soul.