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As Bad Habits Go

It’s that time of year when the cold showers in the morning start to feel really cold. The reservoirs feeding the mains have started to feel the winter chill. It’s colder getting up. The ice cream head arrives a lot quicker, as I stand beneath the icy flood.

Why would anyone do that to themselves? I hear you say.

Well, I’m sure you’ve got some bad habits too!

Also, in the aftermath, when I do my warming up exercises and then get dressed, there is a certain kind of calmness and anticipation of the day ahead, which I don’t get in any other way.

It’s not for everyone, but, As Bad Habits Go, I could do worse.

(Ok, I have done worse!)

But right now, getting my coffee fix, that six o’clock wake up call is merely a distant memory. I’m warm and on it.