David Fee David Fee

When Your Mind’s Made Up.

Glen Hansard - When Your Mind’s Made Up.

Sunday Song is by Glen Hansard - When Your Mind’s Made Up

As far as fellas with an acoustic guitar go, this fella is as close as I can find to “the kind of thing I do” in regard to performing style. Mixing up the soft with the intense.

Except that he just does it better. Now I’m not into living in the shadow of unsatisfactory comparison anymore. It’s not helpful. But that doesn’t mean I can’t acknowledge a difference in quality between something I do, and something someone else does. This guy knows what he’s doing.

So, yeah, Glen, although I’ve never seen him live, is an inspiration and an aspiration in that respect. The link above is showing me (allowing for those differences that make me, uniquely me) how to do it.

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David Fee David Fee

Last Song Standing

But which one?

What to sing?

What would be my Last Song Standing?

Where to plant my flag?

When faced with the choice to live (because life always tries to cling to life) or to die (because to live would or could make life worse for others, or compromise my own precious integrity) what would be the rock that I would chose to stand upon from which I would make that decision.

I don’t think I will know that until, when or if, the moment comes.

But to be sure of making a good choice in that circumstance, I am undoubtedly going to need to learn to make good choices today.

-Is this a morbid or depressing thought? No. Well, a little bit perhaps. But people are having to make those kind of choices all the time in parts of the world where peace hasn’t prevailed. And my time for those choices, it would be stupid to believe otherwise, might come too. I’m just being practical.

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David Fee David Fee

In Another World

Here not There.

It can be a distraction. It can take us away from dark or painful moments. It can help us to dream too. And to imagine things becoming better.

When we place ourselves, by the power of imagination In Another World, we demonstrate our capacity and potential as humans. A capacity and potential that has made us the peoples and the cultures that we are today.

But sometimes that dream world is simply a way of avoiding and dealing with now. In my personal experience, more often than not, it’s been a way of avoiding now.

So I’m finding it more helpful to keep those dreams of other worlds and distant planets quite vague. Less of an immediate escape. More a general direction for travel.

I try to merely glance up and see other landscapes and other possibilities. Things that move my heart and cause me to want to move.

And then I return to now and give all my attention to the next step. One that will take me in roughly the right direction.

There’s always a distance between There and Here.

But the truth is that we are always, and always will be, only and forever, Here.

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David Fee David Fee

Turn Off The Noise (Again)

But keep on spinning…

Turn Off The Noise has been a recent blog title, because It’s the last recording that I released.

Nearly half a year ago I started using most of the song titles in the archive of my monthly releases as the jumping off point for these daily blogs. It’s been a good creative process for me and, as a bonus, has provided an excuse for linking to my songs.

In fact, it’s been so helpful that tomorrow I’m simply going to go back to the beginning again, and see what new thoughts can be provoked by the same song titles. I hope this doesn’t get dull for you. :-)

Routines have been great for me. But it’s certainly important to find ways to keep things fresh. For instance, in the past I’ve spoken about doing my monthly song recording, all things being equal, until I drop. But on that one I’ve had a rethink.

I’ve decided that I’m going to stop!

But only when I get to 366. (Groan!). One for every day of the year AND a leap year bonus song. If I live that long. And if I write enough new songs that tick my boxes.

In fact I will only manage this modest achievement if I carry on carrying on until I’m Seventy Six years old. It’s below the UK average life span, so you never know. But then I’ll give it a rest as far as my fourth of every month releases go.

Well, you heard it here first folks. I’m sure the news will go viral soon. But this has been in my head a while, and I am mentioning it, as usual, just for the record.

And that record will keep on spinning a while.

But the noise will eventually turn off, I promise.


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David Fee David Fee


On Truth Mountain.

Latest factoid - Ai, as you probably already know, also stands for Alien Invaders. It’s probably just a coincidence… but it’s true.

And in other true news ….

… Truth is a mountain that looks different from every angle. Yep. And it will look different from wherever we happen to be standing on the mountain.

On the other hand, whatever the angle, the lens we are looking through, and the way we look, will make a huge difference. We can choose to look through a microscope. Or with a particular set of blinkers. Or through binoculars. Or a pair of reading glasses.

And whoever we are, whichever way we choose, and from wherever we stand, we will all be gazing upon Truth Mountain.

However, I’m going to put it out there - though we can only ever see it our way, it’s true, the more “aids” to viewing that we discard, the more that we might perhaps more clearly see. And maybe the mountain is something that, beyond anything else, we need to experience with all of our senses. And perhaps sometimes we need to lie down upon that dang mountain, and simply rest a while.

Make of all this what you like. But ain’t that my truth.

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David Fee David Fee

I’m A Dinosaur

…blissfully unaware?

You’ve heard about the asteroid that’s orbiting the earth. It’s due to pass very close to and possibly even hit our planet in seven years time. Potentially causing a lot of damage.

It’s alright though. The good folks at NASA (other space programmes are available) have got it all in hand. We should be OK. And anyway, it’s only got a one in forty five chance of hitting us. Those are good odds.

If I’m A Dinosaur, sixty six million years ago, I wouldn’t have the luxury of all this. I would have been blissfully unaware of the meteorite that was about to arrive, putting an end to my existence, and to that of all my dinosaur buddies, give or take the odd flying relative.

I’m not a dinosaur though. And I’m aware of a whole lot more than he or she was ever capable of knowing.

But, for the vast majority of the time, in our information overload world, I might possibly be better off making like a dinosaur. Because the vast majority of that “knowledge”, which I keep dipping into (it’s hard not to) doesn’t change a dang thing.

Except that it contributes to me becoming a more anxious, fearful and reactive human being. The sort who is less likely to act and do good in the actual domain where I can make a difference.

Global awareness is potentially going to be a very positive thing in the future. But I have to ask myself if it actually leads to me personally leading a better life today. All the online evidence, and the evidence inside my head, and in my day to day experience, suggests not.

So though my own way might not be very T-Rex, I’m still inclined to aim, like the big fella, for keeping things simple.

Peace of mind and daily attempts to be kind. Here, where I am.

That, for me at least, is often a big enough challenge.

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David Fee David Fee

What We’re Here For

And does it really matter?

We could perhaps imagine somebody who doesn’t seem to have any self awareness. A kind of blessing to some degree. Someone who acts without thought or care for consequences. A person who doesn’t worry what anybody thinks about them, because they spend all their time thinking only about themselves and their own needs and desires. A person who we might describe as shallow, impulsive and narcissistic.

Maybe you’ve got someone in mind.

Such a person we almost certainly don’t want to think of as a role model.

And of the many things that such a person probably doesn’t give a single moment deeply pondering, one of those will be that little old chestnut we call:

What We’re Here For. “

But in that one area of ignorance and unconcern, they could have, inadvertently, hit the nail right on the head. We could even possibly learn something from them.

Because when it comes to our “raison d’etre” …

…it really doesn’t matter.

Or, at the very least, it really doesn’t help wondering.

Well to get more specific, it definitely never helped me. :-)

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David Fee David Fee

No. 2 Colliery

by Adam Baldwin.

This Sunday Song I found randomly, just after discovering about my Tin miner ancestors, on two sides, from down in Cornwall. Yeah, we are doing our family tree. Well Ineke is. She’s always had a bit of the private detective about her. Missed her vocation there I think.

Anyway, I didn’t know the artist, Adam Baldwin. But the song is lovely and poignant. Definitely worth a Sunday listen. Preferably in bed with a cup of tea.

No. 2 Colliery

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David Fee David Fee

Jenny Wren

On the back of an eagle.

A Haiku

Jenny Wren
“I’m bigger than John Lennon!”
Jesus wept”, said John.

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David Fee David Fee

What’s The World Coming To?

The “getting older” question.

What’s The World Coming To?

I think you have to reach a certain age to start asking this question. It’s a tired kind of question. But I have found myself asking it for sure. It’s there whispering in the dark corners of my mind sometimes. Hence the song.

And it is, of course, a question which cannot be answered. (Though some people are sure that they are the ones who do have the answer.) But for many of us, when it is asked, it is expressing a slightly sad sense of care-worn worry:

“Things are looking worse than I imagined they should or could be when I was younger”.

I believe, however, that the question can exist in our minds without allowing it to lead, on the one hand, to a resigned shrug of the shoulders or, on the other, to depression. Because that “World” we are referring to is, in reality, not something we ever can, could or should carry on our shoulders. It is simply not in our capacity, and it never was, to change the world. Even if we happened to have been so inclined to try. Which personally, being a conscientious and worthy sort, I was.

So now I am, inevitably, older. And my two antidotes to becoming weighed down, which might constitute the closest I’ll ever come to a kind of wisdom, are, consistently, still these:

- Firstly to accept this moment for what it is. That’s all I ever have. And you know what, it’s Ok. At the very least, even on a bad day, it’s Ok. That doesn’t sound like much. But it’s enough.

- Secondly, today I can try and move something, somebody, myself, anything, in a good direction. My own definition of good being - “the overall reduction of suffering”. There are so many opportunities to do that.

And that too, is enough.

But here’s an additional something … in the midst of all of this seeming dull and uninspiring “managing expectations” I regularly get the bonus surprises of - laughter!, giggles!, amazement!, and exhilaration! As well as some good old satisfaction and contentment. There is even the occasional glimpse of that rare beast known as “Joy”.

So what’s the world coming to?

It’s a glorious mystery, mate.

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David Fee David Fee

To The End Of The Earth

Or to the start of something else?

To The End.

Like every human expression it means something. In day to day life it helps us. I know that this little bit of writing will come to the end. Even if I wished it otherwise. Or even, far less likely, if you wished it otherwise. But the end will come, I promise.

And then we move on to new beginnings with new ends.

But maybe that’s where the concept starts to fall apart. Our beginnings and ends are constructs. Helpful constructs but still constructs. The full stop I’ve just typed didn’t end anything. It was just a bridge to the next sentence. And the next sentence to the next paragraph.

So when I sing “To The End Of The Earth” I’m just speaking about a bridge really. To whatever comes next.

And maybe looking at things that way, might help to take a little bit of the sadness from the the endings we fear, and which we will also experience.

The End.

And now for something completely continuous

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David Fee David Fee

Let’s Not Fight

Coz we’re all light.

We do fight.

And that’s just a fact of life.

Yet scratch beneath the surface of … all of us? … most of us? … well at least some of us… and there is a very definite desire to shout out loud…

Let’s Not Fight

I’ve done my own share of fighting, scratching, and scrabbling in the dirt over the years. Despite the fact that I generally have a fundamental wish to run away and hide from conflict. At least from conflict with those people who I’m afraid of to some degree. Or sometimes those people I like who, in my head, I’m scared might reject me if I think differently to them. I can be a bit of a wus.

But actually some conflict and disagreement is unavoidable. In fact it is necessary and good if we want to live in a stable and resilient peace with each other.

That constructive kind of conflict though, even if sometimes unpleasant, is to my mind very different from fighting. Fighting is about trying to come out on top. To defeat our opponent. Sometimes, sadly, to literally kill them. There are definite winners and losers. Which, sadly, can also be necessary when we or our loved ones are under unprovoked attack.

But, when push comes to shove, we are all made of the same stardust. We do all share the same blood, the same humanity. The same planet. All those cliches are true. Our underlying connection is far greater, stronger, and more profound than any perceived difference.

And that is a good reason to first of all attempt to build bridges and find reconciliation before we ever consider taking up arms against each other.

Or even before we simply try, consciously or unconsciously, to put another human being down.

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David Fee David Fee

You Make Everything Better

Or not?

Well, here I am waiting for a customer service call line to answer.

So plenty of time to write a blog. I’ll keep it short anyway. But clearly not out of necessity.

What we would like to say, when dealing with any issue as a customer, is to be able to say without reservation or sarcasm …

You Make Everything Better

Sadly that kind of customer service is very rare these days. No longer is the customer the one who should be come out of the experience feeling good. Now, more often than not, it seems to be that the customer …

-Must pay as much as we can get out of them.
- Must wait as long as we can keep them waiting.
-Must give us a score to tell us “how well we are doing”.
-Must be the one who stays calm and grateful
- Must be reminded, every few seconds in the midst of all this, that “your custom is important to us”.

It should go without saying that this is not the way forward.

This is making things worse.

So, um, let’s not be the one’s that do that, whenever we’re providing a service or a response.

Or a friendship.

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David Fee David Fee

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

A Sunday song.

This Sunday song is just because. Absolutely beautiful cover. I’m sure you’ve heard this version by Israel Kamakawiwo’ele.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Perhaps the most sentimental song ever. Yet at the same time it says something incredibly truthful, beautiful and maybe even possible about us as humans. The frail, fragile dreamers that we are.

Have a restful, peaceful day.

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David Fee David Fee

It’s Not Gonna Change The World

“Who’s a clever bird then?”

Among the multitude of things to choose, the man chooses something to do. Something that motivates him. Something that he feels is important.

It isn’t much really, in the grand scheme of things.

The man lives in Guatemala. In that land there is a big trade in parrots. People like pets. And this particular kind of pet has a special skill. It can talk back at you. What’s not to like?

But the parrots in Guatemala, don’t get treated very well. When they are captured they are kept in atrocious conditions. It causes psychological damage. Yep, they suffer mentally.

So our man tries to raise awareness. And when he manages to rescue some of these parrots, he looks after them, he loves them, until they are ready to be freed back into the wild.

And as those parrot fly free again he says with quiet humility….

It’s Not Gonna Change The World”.

And you can’t argue with that.

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David Fee David Fee

Row To Shore

You’re not alone.

Row To Shore brings back a memory of a me that doesn’t exist anymore. Just like all the former versions of me in fact.

The song began with a poem written by someone I “met” online called Kim Le Clair who is the song’s co-writer. That poem felt very personal even though I wasn’t the originator. And that version of me which I saw, still pops up occasionally in a loop of re-occurring memories, some of which can still bring a tear to my eye. In fact listening to the song had that effect just now.

The song is partly about not fighting our battles alone. Taking that step though … to find the “others”, the potential friends, or colleagues, or co-workers, or partners …. can be a battle in itself. Sometimes it’s easier to stay out there, alone on the ocean, living off our own resources. It’s a kind of hiding.

But I know how difficult it is to move in any direction when a certain sort of mindset develops.

So I try, when the opportunity arises, to wish good luck and give encouragement to those who find themselves in a similar place.

Because it’s not a permanent destination. It can and will change.

So row to shore.

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David Fee David Fee

See You On The Summit

But which one?

See You On The Summit

It starts here.

But wanting, planning, aiming, dreaming, moving towards… being there.

I've been struggling with this tension a certain amount, since meditation and the art of “Now” and “This” has started to influence my life. Mainly in a very good way.

But every good thing brings with it new dilemmas.

Here is where I am. If can’t find contentment here, then I’m missing the point of life, because here is all I’ve got. Though even without lifting a finger, here will constantly change.

But where to aim for now? That’s what we humans do isn’t it?. We plan ahead. What really matters? What is my next summit?

Like you I get out of bed in the morning with things I have to do. The lack of having much real choice in that is its own kind of freedom. And if it doesn’t feel like that, then I’m trying to start to see it that way.

But when my obligations are fulfilled what then?

Well, something, that is all. Like you, I make it up as I go along. I do something. I don’t think it even matters what to be honest, as long as I am convinced that that something will make the world better for me and others. And that I always remain open along the way to be convinced otherwise.

But in the meantime I do something. Whatever it may be. And every step is a step in the direction of that particular summit. My particular summit, right this moment, is to finish today’s blog in a way that makes clear sense to me.

Well, I’ve reached that summit now. And if happens to make sense to you too, then that’s a bonus.

Because it’s often nicer to get there together.

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David Fee David Fee

What’s That About?

“Oh, oh, oh I’m on top of the world”

It’s the fourth of the month. Here’s the new one. And you may well ask ….

What’s That About?

I’m a homo sapien
Got the chance to be happier
Than a frog
A fro-o-o-og

Don’t need to wait
Wait, sitting around
On a log like
A fro-o-o-og

She’s catching flies
While I’m feeling dow-ow-ow-own

What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba
What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba

I’m a homo sapien

Got the chance to be smarter
Than a dog
A do-o-o-og

Don’t need to wait
To be told what to do

By my boss

Like a do-o-a-og

He’s sniffing lampposts

While I’m dumbing dow-ow-ow-own

What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba
What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba

I’m on the top of the world
Apparently I’m more evolved
Than you

It seems absurd
That I’m the one
Who’s more confused- ooh ooh

So yeah
I’m a homo-sapien
Got the chance to 

Live cleaner than a hog
A ho-o-o-og

Don’t need to sink

To washing myself in the bog

Like a ho-o-o-og

She’s in the mud

While I play the clow-ow-own

What’s that about
What’s that about

Dababada Badabada Badabadaba
What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba
What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba
What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba
What’s that about?
Dababada Badabada Badabadaba

What’s that about?

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David Fee David Fee

Holy Water

Here, not there?

It’s in our blood. That part of us which is always looking for something. Mainly, in our long history, we were simply looking for the next meal. And to quench our thirst. But at some point along the way we started looking for a certain something that would fill a perceived hole in our soul.

Who knows where that perception came from. There are a lot of theories.
But that was the start of this thing we call “spirituality”.

Do we have a “hole in our soul”?

It doesn’t seem to matter. Whether we do or we don’t, we won’t stop looking now. That elusive Holy Water may or may not exist at the summit of some high mountain. Or in some other physical or mental place. But it always, in our belief systems, requires a great deal of effort to reach.

Yet at a certain point in life, we might just find ourselves wondering if all that effort in “getting there” might more wisely be spent in simply staying here. In …

Being Still.

Which in theory shouldn’t require any effort at all.

But, ironically, that might be our hardest journey yet.

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David Fee David Fee

Most Of The Time

The art of not caring.

I recently watched the Biopic about Bob Dylan, “A Complete Unknown”. It was very good.

He’s a one. Somehow he managed to have learnt the art of being completely himself at a very young age. And he did so in the face of fame and near universal acclaim.

If you or I were worshipped, as Dylan was once worshipped in his early twenties, it would be very unlikely that we wouldn’t lean in, at least a little bit, and allow the adoration to wash over us. Who doesn’t want to be loved?

Dylan didn’t seem to need that. Wherever his followers wanted him to go…he set off, and continues to set off at the ripe old age of 83, in the opposite direction.

Wherever that Devil May Care comes from, it continues to be a quality I admire. Maybe Dylan took it too far. But “Not Caring” is sometime a good character trait to acquire.

It can certainly write some good songs.

Most songwriters can manage it some of the time. Mr Zimmerman still manages it Most Of The Time

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