homesong ft.
Homesong from 7.30pm on?
Lori Silvan funkychickenfun@yahoo.co.uk
tel. (01880)740660
Homesong from 7.30pm on Saturday December 11th.
We’re excited to announce that David Fee will be playing a festive Homesong here just before Christmas.
Come along for some great music and a fun evening. Just bring a donation for the performer and something to drink for yourself.
Any questions, just ask me:
Lori Silvan funkychickenfun@yahoo.co.uk
tel. (01880)740660

David Fee
“Hi! If we haven’t met before, I’m David. Can’t wait to come up to Clachan in December. Playing at Lori’s wee barn/shed/outhouse/garage (What is that thing?) is always a pleasure. And even better, no midges in December. Or do they come out again for Christmas in Clachan? lol
Anyway, very much looking forward to playing some songs of mine, old and new. And I hope to see you there”.
Love from Me!