Become a Homesong Host
Find out everything you need to know to host a Homesong gig in YOUR home below.
Hosting original music in your home is an unforgettable experience. Much valued by the friends and neighbours you invite, and the artists who perform in YOUR living room. You are going to be moved and inspired.
And to inspire you more read the daily Homesong blog written by David Fee.
But you could do it all without any further help from us. To get going immediately follow the simple guide below.
10 Simple Steps
Invite an artist. Someone relatively local to you is good to begin with. You can always ask around. If you are struggling to find someone, get in touch with Homesong and we’ll help to put you in contact with some great original songwriters who would love to play their songs in your home.
Set a date and time. Weekend evenings are probably best, but not compulsory.
Invite friends, neighbours and family around on the said date. Give them a bit of info (an internet link to their music is ideal) about who is coming to play. You can build up a mailing list of people who are potentially interested in coming to your Homesong gigs.
On the day arrange a few chairs in an informal way facing in the general direction of the “stage” (ps…you don’t need an actual stage).
Maybe have a few nibbles prepared. Not compulsory. You can ask people to bring their own liquid refreshments if you provide cups and glasses.
When folk have arrived (there will probably be latecomers) introduce your guest artist. They can play a set of 30 to 45 minutes (or whatever you’ve agreed, but don’t make it too long) followed by a break.
Have a break of 15 or 20 minutes for toilets and smokers etc. During the break, hand round what I call the Busking Box. Encourage people to support the artist financially.
Get everybody together for the second half of the set.
Finish by thanking the artist and everyone for coming. Get everyone who is interested in future gigs onto a mailing list. Give the artist the collected proceeds. And feel free to encourage the audience to leave before too long. It’s your house and it’s not a party! Unless it’s a party!
Have a glass of your favourite tipple and give yourself a pat on the bag. You are now officially a Homesonger.
Added Extras
It can often help the artists if you are able to provide a bed or even a couch for the night, especially if they have travelled from a distance. Paying for accommodation adds to their expenses and might make the gig less attractive for them.
If you would like to encourage the community aspect more, why not have a potluck meal before hand when the invited audience (if they want) can bring something to eat. Perhaps a chance to chat with artist before the gig.
She lives in a village with no pub and no regular opportunities for a night out to relax with other folk. But she does have a small outhouse which, with a bit of TLC, becomes a great home based venue for a small gig. She enjoys making invitation cards to give to people in the village, and preparing a few nibbles to be consumed, greedily, on the night.
“It is inspiring to hear how much talent we have right here on our doorstep. It also gives up and coming musicians a chance to play to an audience and hopefully will inspire others to have a go.“
As a singer-songwriter I obviously have a love for music. I also like the idea of bringing people together in my community. I like the fact that my home can play a role in that. And I like having interesting artists playing original music in my living room, and the chance to get to know them and support their music. Finally, I believe, as the cliche goes, that you get out what you put in.
“Helping this to happen inevitably helps me as a human being and as an artist. Go me!”
More Information for Homesong Hosts