Upcoming Homesong Gigs
Campbeltown Homesong
A Homesong At YOUR house?
Clachan Homesong
a small gig where you live
A HomeSong is a gig with a difference. It simply consists of an invited audience and a performer, performing their art in someone’s living room. Homesong brings people together for creative entertainment and friendship right on their doorstep.
When you can see the eyes of the singer it helps the songs to come alive.
The audience gets a chance to donate to the artist who, as well as earning some money, is given the opportunity to showcase their creativity to an attentive audience.

Get Involved
Will you host a homesong gig where you live or join the growing membership of Homesong musicians, artists and supporters?
From the Blog
Get the daily blog in your inbox and stay connected to Homesong!

And online find us at HomeSongs4LIfe where we hosted nearly 300 online gigs featuring 4 songs of mainly original material from nearly 50 artist, during The Covid Years.
Welcome To Homesong
Hi, my name is David Fee. I am a singer-songwriter from Campbeltown, Kintyre, Scotland and I started Homesong to encourage the growth of small music gigs and artistic events in people’s homes.
Homesong is nothing if not local and, as I live in Kintyre, Argyll, that is the area where I am personally trying to get these gigs going. As a host and as a performer.
You could make it happen where you live.
Wherever you call home, contact us if you’re interested in becoming a Homesong host, a Homesong performer, or simply in being a part of the fantastic audiences that make a Homesong gig come alive.
Please use this site as a resource for setting up Homesong gigs anywhere. That’s what it’s for. Read the blog and look around this site. Join in!
There are many people and groups working towards making music a community changing reality again, instead of the soulless industry it has so often become. I believe that all the best changes happen from the ground up. This is a grass roots project, and it can only live if people get involved and get their hands dirty.
Here’s to dirty hands!
No pot of gold.