Is being a host right for me?

My goal in starting Homesong is to persuade you that having a gig in your own home is a wonderful thing. I believe that there are many out there who would get so much from giving it a try. And as I will no doubt say many times over, without Homesongers there is no Homesong.

People have often met in homes for music and socialising in the past. Here in Scotland the original ceilidhs were part of that tradition. In recent times it has gone out of fashion as, at least in the western world, our lives have become more locally isolated even as the internet has been making the world seem a much smaller place. But despite that there are examples of people coming together in other people’s homes today. It might not take such a lot for Homesong to become a normal part of our culture again. Take a look at The Tupperware Challenge, for instance.

So if you have either:

A love for music and arts

A desire for closer community

A natural talent for bringing people together

…or all three perhaps you should consider becoming a Homesonger. Like every responsibility in life, it has it’s challenges. But basically it’s such a simple, life affirming happening, that I hope for some of you, it becomes a no-brainer.

If your interest is sparked join in. Homesong will be going out of it’s way to provide all the support, encouragement and connections that you need.


Money…And All That Jazz!