Be Still (My Beating Heart)
The blood starts pumping, the heart starts thumping.
It’s a sign of something.
Love? Stress? Excitement? Nerves? Anxiety? A Sprint or Marathon being run.
Sometimes it’s inevitable and helpful for our circulatory system to be working hard. Sometimes it’s even enjoyable or fun.
But sometimes it’s a sign that our thinking is going awry. For instance:
”I’m gonna die a death!”
- alternative explanations: I’m going to sing a song in front of some people who may or may not like it, or, I’ve got a headache, and I’m not sure what’s causing it yet.
“Why is that person frowning at me? Do they hate me?”
- alternative explanations: said person has a bad toothache, or, they just find smiling a little bit tough (nb. smile at them anyway).
Our brains are doing this kind of thing all the time. And our hearts respond by pumping that blood and thumping our chests. A very primal instinct.
However … I’m slowly discovering that my head and my heart can learn to work together. In many situations my heart just needs a little bit of sweet talk -
”Be Still (My Beating Heart). Everything’s fine”
And when I say something like that, my heart seems to appreciate the love. It quietens down, and I relax a little bit.
Discover Fee’s Romantic Teenage Beating Heart