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Quote of the day:

”You will become way less concerned with what people think about you when you realise how seldom they do”.

And even knowing that, it’s amazing how other people’s imaginary opinions and thoughts about us still dictate or influence our current actions. Probably far more than we even realise.

This blog, could be a case in point. Mainly I’m writing it daily because I know it’s a good thing for me to do. But sometimes I’m writing it because I told you, my imaginary reader, that I would. The reality is that, at the back of my mind, I’m projecting opinions on to other people, while in reality it’s likely to barely register in your mind. That’s not me being self deprecating. It’s the reality of the way we all think, or mainly don’t think, about the other people in our lives and the things they do. Even the important people.

Our story is THE story because our world is only one we are actually experiencing. And we are all playing Extras in each others worlds.

Albeit extras that mean a great deal to us in some cases :-)

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