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“Good Morning”

I walked along the sea front this morning and saw somebody. A stranger. It occurred to me that they were as much a part of my conscious experience, no more, no less, than every experience and thought I have ever had. From the most benign and subtle to the most impactful and profound. All appear unbidden, and without preference (including those notions of preference) within my conscious mind.

I said “Good Morning”.

There is a multiverse of conscious life on planet earth. But my own conscious universe is almost unknowable to you. Or to them. And likewise yours and theirs to mine.

We can’t ever get inside each other’s heads, however close we are, even if the appearance of your head, or my imaginings about what you are thinking or feeling, appear in mine sometimes.

It’s always a second hand view we get. At best.

And yet…

….we become friends and lovers. Enemies and compatriots. The liked and the unliked. The team mates and the colleagues. The givers and receivers. The doers and the spectators. The healers and the healed.

We can touch.

There are endless possibilities to the connections we can make with the unknown universes inside each other’s heads. And we can do that simply by sending out signals to one another, like a physicist sending out radio waves, with curiosity, into outer space.

Beep. Beep. Beep. “Good morning”.

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