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Holy Water

It’s in our blood. That part of us which is always looking for something. Mainly, in our long history, we were simply looking for the next meal. And to quench our thirst. But at some point along the way we started looking for a certain something that would fill a perceived hole in our soul.

Who knows where that perception came from. There are a lot of theories.
But that was the start of this thing we call “spirituality”.

Do we have a “hole in our soul”?

It doesn’t seem to matter. Whether we do or we don’t, we won’t stop looking now. That elusive Holy Water may or may not exist at the summit of some high mountain. Or in some other physical or mental place. But it always, in our belief systems, requires a great deal of effort to reach.

Yet at a certain point in life, we might just find ourselves wondering if all that effort in “getting there” might more wisely be spent in simply staying here. In …

Being Still.

Which in theory shouldn’t require any effort at all.

But, ironically, that might be our hardest journey yet.