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Rhythm Is In Our Bones

My mum and my sister were in an “expressive” dance group at the church we attended when I was teen. Yes, it was awkward. (And don’t tell my sister I’ve mentioned this here either!)

But I wasn’t too traumatised. I’ve come to appreciate dancing in all it’s many forms. And I have been known on many occasions to “go for it” on the dance floor, after a couple of shandies. Free form expressive Dad dancing is the category I think.

It’s hard, even for the most repressed of personage, to avoid tapping their toe when a good beat starts up.

Rhythm Is In Our Bones. It will out. And even if it won’t, it wants to.

Now and then, at least, you’ve gotta let your bones have a say. Even though it takes a drop or two of the hard stuff to give them a voice.

Discover Fee’s Dancing Feet