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See You On The Summit

See You On The Summit

It starts here.

But wanting, planning, aiming, dreaming, moving towards… being there.

I've been struggling with this tension a certain amount, since meditation and the art of “Now” and “This” has started to influence my life. Mainly in a very good way.

But every good thing brings with it new dilemmas.

Here is where I am. If can’t find contentment here, then I’m missing the point of life, because here is all I’ve got. Though even without lifting a finger, here will constantly change.

But where to aim for now? That’s what we humans do isn’t it?. We plan ahead. What really matters? What is my next summit?

Like you I get out of bed in the morning with things I have to do. The lack of having much real choice in that is its own kind of freedom. And if it doesn’t feel like that, then I’m trying to start to see it that way.

But when my obligations are fulfilled what then?

Well, something, that is all. Like you, I make it up as I go along. I do something. I don’t think it even matters what to be honest, as long as I am convinced that that something will make the world better for me and others. And that I always remain open along the way to be convinced otherwise.

But in the meantime I do something. Whatever it may be. And every step is a step in the direction of that particular summit. My particular summit, right this moment, is to finish today’s blog in a way that makes clear sense to me.

Well, I’ve reached that summit now. And if happens to make sense to you too, then that’s a bonus.

Because it’s often nicer to get there together.