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Stick Or Twist

So, I recently decided to pull the plug on the present manifestation of HomeSongs4Life. Last show on May 4th.

The messages of support that I received regarding this particular decision have been wonderful, and at the very least have soothed any doubts I might have had.

But it’s never easy to know whether to stick or twist. And you can get your twickers in a knist thinking about it sometimes.

Because doing anything worthwhile involves certain levels of difficulty - therefore stopping might just be about running away from all of that. On the other hand, continuing regardless can also sometimes be a way of hiding from reality.

It’s a dilemma, and there is often not a cut and dried answer with these kind of decisions. We simply have to make them and move on.

However, the main raison d’etre of Homesong still exists.

More of this sort of thing will always be the goal.

And finding the best way to promote it is the ongoing task.

Thank you to everybody who has supported or is supporting that task in any way.