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Take Sides

At some point we may well have to “Take Sides”.

For some of us that is an inevitable but almost impossible predicament.
Because even in the most seemingly straightforward of instances, it is not possible to break things down to the glorious, comfortable, black and white of Good vs. Evil. When we start to think a little a bit and to listen more to different points of view, it becomes a lot less easy to choose sides.

And yet we are living in a world where fewer people seem happy to play Devil’s Advocate and wrestle with the nuances of tribal differences. Less willing to accept those people who do. Instead sides are chosen with absolute conviction and certainty.

For many years I also found myself very happy to tie myself to my own particular flags of convenience. It’s the easier, mentally lazier, path. That’s why we take it. But that kind of blind tribalism is, to be very honest, a potentially fatal characteristic. Certainly damaging to our own personal development, but in the end, to us all as a community of human beings.

Never the less, despite an overall need for more nuanced world views and less iron clad certainty, at some point we may still find ourselves having to Take Sides. Or at least appear to take sides. This is a moment when we open ourselves up to conflict and misunderstanding.

Honestly, I struggle with all of that as I get older. These days I’d rather attempt to sit on the fence! I know how messy all that side taking can get.

Never the less sometimes there is a need to take a risk, and stick our necks out a little bit. Not out of certainty, but because it’s the right thing to do. Sometimes there isn’t a choice.

nb. You will observe that I have provided no examples above. I am in fact wrestling with a specific personal example at the moment. I’m just trying to frame the situation for myself, and build up a bit of courage. :)

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