A Little Bit More

What for Homesong these days?

Is the vision of a world full of homes hosting small gigs, featuring original artists of all kinds, dead in the water?

Not at all. Not in my head, anyway.

But I haven’t got a grand plan really anymore. To “move things forward”. I’ve let go of any sense of control I had in that regard.

I’m very much going at things “organically”. At the snail’s pace that feels comfortable. When opportunities appear I take them. I’ll still be looking out for opportunities for others too, and I’m very much into sharing the journey. I’m still planning to host more Homesong’s in my own home, but in a more relaxed way.

But I’m not trying to “drive” things forward. It always felt very unnatural for me when I did try to do that, and I can’t keep that kind of “market orientated” attitude up for very long.

I hope this site will be a resource for people who bump into it. (I need to do some Homesong Site housekeeping I think). I hope this blog will also be a tool in some small way. I hope to spread the word, face to face, when I get the chance. And I hope that other people do too.

I will keep on making music, writing about it, playing, and spreading the word.

Homesong is an idea that is at least out there A Little Bit More. Which is not the way that great empires, big corporations, and strong nations were ever built, of course. No shame in that.

All of which is a way of saying that I’m trying to work at a pace that I can manage to keep up indefinitely. Or until I’m deid.


A Couple Of Angels


Three Sisters