A Matter Of Trust

Truth, for those of us who seek it, is a very elusive creature. All the more so now that the internet allows everybody, their uncle and me, to spout out his or her own version of The Truth upon Radio Internet.

Truth is becoming elusive. Perhaps the more important issue is now A Matter Of Trust.

Who do we trust? And why?

Our instincts can only take us so far with this. Because instinct can be led astray by our preconceptions and prejudices. I find this out about myself, whenever I allow my opinions and other people to spend a bit of time in each other’s company. It’s an eye opener.

Instincts, and the opinions they lead to, can sometimes be a helpful shortcut.

But trust … giving it and earning it … takes a whole lot of time. It involves seeing someone in action, consistently doing what they said they would do. And also being open and honest about their failings.

Today it matters more than it ever did. We need some solid ground to stand on. And it will take a lot of hard work and honesty in our relationships and our communities to find it.


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