A Perfect Storm

It’s cosy here in front of the computer screen.

And the computer, and the little men behind the curtain, are increasingly trying to keep things that way it seems.

They’ve both been helped by a certain pesky virus. And, of course, by all of our “honourable” governments, and their “honourable” voice to the masses…The Media …who must both, AT THE VERY LEAST, always be seen to be doing and saying something.


And mostly that “anything” has been about encouraging us, urging us, coaxing us, scaring us, and sometimes making us…. to keep our distance from other people. From our family, our friends and our neighbours.

“People of all ages. Stay away from each other!”

And probably some of that was necessary. But all of that, along with the direction in which our online technology is being guided, has become some kind of a Perfect Storm.

And it might well be blowing us, slowly, almost imperceivably, towards a new world, in which actual real live contact with people becomes a bit … you know … Meh!

In which people themselves are a bit … Meh!

A bit… too much effort.

Because it’s become a bit of a drag, going out, don’t you find.

I don’t want to be a prophet of doom, but I think a lot of us who think and care about the world, are feeling the same thing. The world and our way of living in it is changing. And not in a very good way at the moment. We aren’t “back to normal”. Because “Normal” is changing.

As, in truth it always has.

But the people who most benefit from our compliance and from the new normal …those little men behind the Googles and Facebooks and Amazons of this world … are gaining more power and influence in front of our eyes. We’re letting them to a large extent.

And I believe that those of us, in particular, who are older, might well have a duty, a quite urgent duty, for the sake of the younger generations, our children and grand children. A duty to actively promote and honour our physical world. More than we are doing.

To resist. To not religiously follow the comforting siren voices of virtual reality and artificial Intelligence.

To get out and about. To Walk. Celebrate. Hug. Dance. Sing.

To make all of that an important Thing. The important Thing.

To be with each other.

Especially for the sake of a generation who don’t really know what they might be losing.

And all of the above, like all of my bletherings, dear reader, is mainly a message to myself. Perhaps I’m over reacting. But, damn, sitting here in front of this computer feels like such a SAFE place to be.


The Other Thing Is Better


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