Latest factoid - Ai, as you probably already know, also stands for Alien Invaders. It’s probably just a coincidence… but it’s true.
And in other true news ….
… Truth is a mountain that looks different from every angle. Yep. And it will look different from wherever we happen to be standing on the mountain.
On the other hand, whatever the angle, the lens we are looking through, and the way we look, will make a huge difference. We can choose to look through a microscope. Or with a particular set of blinkers. Or through binoculars. Or a pair of reading glasses.
And whoever we are, whichever way we choose, and from wherever we stand, we will all be gazing upon Truth Mountain.
However, I’m going to put it out there - though we can only ever see it our way, it’s true, the more “aids” to viewing that we discard, the more that we might perhaps more clearly see. And maybe the mountain is something that, beyond anything else, we need to experience with all of our senses. And perhaps sometimes we need to lie down upon that dang mountain, and simply rest a while.
Make of all this what you like. But ain’t that my truth.