All Crazy Now

When I was a lad down in Auld Ingerland, a fella would introduce themselves to another fella with a handshake.

Personally, I’m adaptable, quite malleable, and not too averse to change. So as other forms of greeting evolved - hugging, fist bumps, high fives, upside down handshakes, elbow-to-elbow, it wasn’t like I was going to get all uppity and old mannish about it.

But that doesn’t prevent confusion. I just bumped into someone, an old friend of one of my sons. I went in with the back to front, thumbs up handshake. He, fully aware of my old man status, came in with the old fashioned English Technique.

And that, my friends, is what the world as a whole feels like at the moment.

It will all settle down. But while change is happening, and whether that change be good, bad, or indifferent, we better get used to riding the wave.

Because, Mamma, we’re all crazee now.



Room At The Inn


Nearly Yuletide