All I Wanna Do (Wanna Dance)
“All I Wanna Do (Wanna Dance)”.
No not really. Still recuperating. But I’m looking forward to that moment when I hear a beat … and the old foot starts tappin’, the hips start wigglin’, and I’m boppin’ and a jivin’ like a mad thing in a bull ring.
Obviously none of that will be happening where anyone can see. It’ll just be me. In the front room.
Feel free to imagine that moment.
In the meantime, let me leave you with a quote from Robert Sapolsky, who studied baboons for twenty years. As you do. I found it very uplifting to the soul for some odd reason. My foot twitched.
And yours may too. Or it may not. It’s damn hard to know sometimes.
”For a male baboon, attaining high rank is all about muscles, sharp canines, and winning the right fight. But maintaining high rank is about avoiding fights, having the self control to ignore provocations, avoiding fighting by being psychologically intimidating, being a sufficiently self-disciplined, stable coalition partner to always have someone watching your back. An alpha male who is constantly fighting won’t be in the corner office long; successful alphaship is a minimalist art of nonwar.”