
A sense of belonging is important. For some more than others.

People who grow up and live in a small rural town or village or even, still, in some close knit city communities, will often have that in bucketloads, without even having to try. It’s a great inheritance, because it can provide a lot of security and comfort.

For the increasing number of migratory humans…people who move away from the place in which they were born….belonging is not always so easily come by.

The best plan of attack, in my experience, is to be pro-active. Join a club, invite people in, stop to chat, be a friend. Don’t wait for all of that to come to you. If people are comfortable in their lives, you probably need them more than they need you.

One thing you could try, and I would say this of course, is to go along to a small, intimate music gig. Like, urrrm, a Homesong for instance.

There aren’t many Homesongs around though, so perhaps the best course of action is to start one. That would get things started.


The Club At The Edge Of Town


It’s Been A While