Dreaming Is Free

Imagine all the people, living life in peace.

John Lennon was a dreamer. But he’s not the only one. We dream about all kinds of crazy shit. Going on holiday. Sex. Falling down a very long and dark hole while dressed in a tuxedo and eating a bacon sandwich. Taking over Iraq. Becoming very, very, rich.

A lot of dreaming is all about ME, ME, ME. Including mine.

Some folk, it turns out, just dream about having POWER. And then a bit more.

And what if the bad guys do win?

It is so very easy to allow ourselves to drift into snarky cynicism these days, what with Fake News, Conspiracy Theory, Pandemics and DIY Truth. As Ray Davies said … it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world (except for Lola). A real life nightmare with dark creatures in the shadows. And sometimes right out there in the open.

And yes, there is a lot of scary stuff which is outside of our control.

But actually nobody can tell us what to dream.

So why not pick a good one. A generous, big hearted one.

And then try and make it happen where we live.


Get Up And Go Out


Living Memories