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Four Parrots And A Three Song Pee

Last Saturday evening I played songs at somebody else’s wonderful gig/art exhibition. While they went for a pee. Three songs in fact. That’s a full bladder in anybody’s language.

One of the songs involved a wee (sic) introductory story involving some parrots. It was a serious song, but as soon as I said the word “parrots” people started giggling. Maybe they were expecting a Monty Python sketch. I dunno. But I found it hard to keep a straight face myself. Honestly sometimes it’s hard to be taken seriously as an artist.

But, anyway, that was me last Saturday night.

Four Parrots And A Three Song Pee.

These are the moments that stay in the memory.

Discover Fee’s Parrot Related Song

ps. Sorry, no actual parrots contained within.