Get On Out Your Head

We asked our foster son, who is dyslexic, to try and write in his own words his reasons for applying for a social care course at college. This was to be part of his application form. The short piece he has written moved me to tears. You would understand if you knew about our history together. Or even without that knowledge perhaps.

Today’s song is Get On Out Your Head. Well perhaps one of the best ways of getting out our own heads, is to start thinking of other people. Here are the beautiful un-edited words that our boy wrote (with his permission).

i want to make people feel safe and comfortable.

i also wanna be there for peopple if they dont have anyone else and try and have an impact on them.

i think i would be good at it to because i like talking to people

people need someone in their life even if its just a carer

i want people to look forward to seeing me

i want to make peoples life a little happeir”


The Other Way Round


Song To The Tick