Grapevine, Free Wine
I can’t remember how, why, or when I wrote Grapevine, Free Wine.
It’s odd listening to it now. Almost like it had nothing to do with me. Some songs are like that.
Clearly it’s a tale of someone with a drink problem. I’ve had an up and down ride myself with alcohol over the years. Never an alcoholic but still with times when it was definitely a problem. So that was probably the background to this breakup song. (It’s not autobiographical in that respect).
At the moment I’m not drinking at all when I’m at home. Saving it for times when I’m away. I have often had it at the back of my mind to stop altogether. But I’d prefer not to. And so far I’ve managed to keep off the wagon on a fairly regular basis. Go me!
This sounds like a man writing a personal and private diary, doesn’t it?
Well, I hope you’re proud of yourself, taking a peek into my deepest confessions, like you are. Honestly! ;-)