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Ha! Homesong?

It was a thing. It is a thing still. It still could be a thing.

However, it’s not feeling like something that I can make happen in the way I had envisaged. I’ve run out of ideas and energy for now. I could potentially keep it going here in Campbeltown. But even though it was appreciated by many, it seemed to be kept going, mainly, by the amount of enthusiasm that I could generate.

Enthusiasm needs to be shared I think. It’s not something that can be manufactured. And although my own enthusiasm wad and is genuine, and shared to a certain degree, I’ve certainly not had the force of personality and mind to keep things going until whatever it is that I feel, was felt by other people.

I say that. My friend Lori has run with it. And I’m very grateful for her support. She’s been brilliant. And I’m grateful for all the performers who have travelled here to perform.

And I haven’t given up really, even if this sounds like that kind of confession. I want this site to remain as a potential catalyst to prompt other people, anywhere, to give home gigs a try. And maybe I will still host them. People have asked.

Primarily I am a fella, like everyone I guess, who is simply trying to learn how to live this short life. I express that life through songs, writing, and my relationships with friends and family. I’m also an occasional performer. I can do it. But maybe I won’t get the chance to do it in people’s homes on any regular basis, like I had imagined.

I’m not sad, because there is still so much life to be lived, and so many songs to write and to sing. And perhaps “Homesong” is something more than just the idea of gigs in houses.

Maybe it’s something fundamental about who I am.

A song that can be sung anywhere. Even when the place seems far away.