Hostess With The Mostess
I’m taking the geetar to a friend’s 50th party tonight. Many happy returns (for tomorrow) to the wonderful Homesong Hostess With The Mostess, Lori Silvan.
I’m not your ideal musician for this sort of thing to be honest. I still don’t know a cover song even though I keep threatening to learn some. But, hey, I can play about a hundred original Feetunes if required (trying to learn all my back catalogue at the moment….I’ll get there eventually) so I’m not going to berate myself too much.
And some of those songs are real party boppers as far as I’m concerned. We will see.
But Lori has been a wonderful encourager of the Homesong idea. And she’s been a wonderful host to many fantastic Homesong evenings in her wee “barn/shed” in Clachan. As many locals and far flung musicians will testify.
And she definitely won’t let the party atmosphere drop, even if there’s nobody to play the Beatles, the Elton, the Taylor, or the Sheeran.
Wishing her the best evening of her life…even if it rains!
And onto the next 50 Lori. Congratulations!