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In Another World

Many aeons ago I released my first song, In Another World, for the long series of monthly releases I’ve called Fee Comes Fourth. It wasn’t the first song I recorded. At that point I had already released an album. And it wasn’t the best song I have ever written. But it was a way of finding an ongoing outlet for the songs I was continuing to write. And that I still do.

I wasn’t gigging very much at all at the time - I’m doing a little bit more now, though still not nearly enough for my own liking - and in recording the songs it felt like a kind of “outcome” for that creative side of me.

All of that search for “outcomes” led to me eventually creating Homesong and then to writing this blog, as well as a number of other creative projects which at one point I might have seen as cul -de-sacs, but were actually just different legs of the same journey.

And where is that journey heading?

The answer to THAT question has become increasingly less certain to me. But also, a whole lot less interesting. My wife has justifiably said that I’m someone who lives in the future. In the realm of ideas and possibilities. And that is certainly the person I was. But I’ve changed. I’m genuinely a lot less concerned about outcomes and destinations. And that change has come about through the realisation that I have very little (i.e. zilch) control over the future.

The challenge these days is more about discovering what I should do, how I should act, who I am, what I am experiencing, in the here and now.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about the future. Living fully in the present is, I have come to realise, the best way possible to potentially build a better tomorrow.

ps. todays title is a little point of focus for me. For the foreseeable future I’m going to using the titles of past song recordings as the jumping off point for these daily blogs. It’s also going to be my incentive to relearn, or practise the old songs every day.

Discover Fee In Another World