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Learn To Smile

I sometimes find forgotten songs or lyrics that I’ve written. Bumped into the lyric below a couple of days ago, and then found a recording of the melody. It’s got a kind of ugly/pretty, darkness and light, contrast thing going on.

I like it. But I can’t remember writing it. It reveals echoes of a place I’ve come from, while I was reaching out for some wisdom on the journey.

Also it reminds me of a quote I read yesterday. I can’t find the source now, but it was something like: “A wise man is always cheerful”. Well, if that’s so, I’ve not been very wise for much of my life. Never the less, I’m undoubtedly starting to….

Learn To Smile

The Song Thrush sits
Top of the highest tree
Singing for you and me
She’s singing for you and me                 
And we can learn to smile

What do you do when you break
Do you start again?
Fight the same fights in the night 
Till the story ends
It’s not a good game to play
In the echo chambers of your mind

Pushing that rock to the top
Rolling it back again
Rolling it back to the start
Where it all began
Try ’n unravel the truth
Like a crazy man
Not a good game to play
In the echo chambers of your mind.

Push that rock till you drop

Still the Song Thrush sits
Top of the highest tree
Singing for you and me
She’s singing for you and me             
And we can learn to smile

It’s not the pain that hurts, it’s the hope
It’s not the faith that kills, it’s the Pope
Or the President, or the Papers who
Sell all their chloroform soap.
The chicken crossed over the road
Coz the News is a joke

Jesus is after your vote
Lives in a castle, high walls and a moat,
And he sits and he gloats 
At the sinners
Who swing from a rope.

Push that rock till you drop

And still the Song Thrush sits
Top of the highest tree
Singing for you and me
She’s singing for you and me     
And still the Song Thrush sits
Top of the highest tree
Singing for you and me
She’s singing for you and me           

And we can learn to smile
We can learn to smile
We can learn to smile
We can learn to smile

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