Little Ripples

The Morning After.

Sometimes it can feel like a loss. Sometimes it can feel like a cloudy memory. Sometimes it can hurt. Sometimes it can feel like an opportunity missed. Sometimes it can be a hangover.

On this occasion, after a wonderful weekend of music at the Kintyre Songwriter’s Festival, for me it simply feels like a new beginning.

My word…we didn’t even have the ubiquitous all-nighter celebration, which has often been an event in itself. Just some late night tea and cheese on toast for me and my pal Chris. Rock ‘n Roll, baby!

After The Covid Years it has sometimes felt like everything has changed for the worse. This weekend has been a reminder of the beauty of the simple things in life. And that we, as Stephen Johnson reminded me last night, can be part of setting off the Little Ripples that make the world a better place.

Great music. Friendship. Drunken dancing. Stimulating conversation. Tired satisfaction. Tears of reflection. Tearing down walls of division. Bringing people together. Young and old.

It was all such a refreshing blast of lung-fillingly beautiful air.

Thank you KSF!


Uncle Che!


Spread Their Wings