Mind Blowing

Yesterday I saw a swallow on the beach, and a sandpiper on the street. Both of them in different places from which I would usually expect to see them.

Birds are creatures of instinct, and on this occasion their instincts took them somewhere new. Or more likely it wasn’t new for them, but somewhere they were in the habit of occasionally finding food or nesting material before I ever saw them doing it.

Later I was in the chippy, and the fella behind the counter said “I didn’t know you were a singer!” He’d seen me in a charity video recording from the Christmas before last, probably on Facebook.

I’m hardly ever found singing covers. And he didn’t even know that I sang.

Even on an ordinary day there are so many new things to be discovered and attempted. So many perspectives that can change.

Sometimes it blows your mind. Have a great summer.


Who Is The Competition?


Slowing Down