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Nobody Like Me

We all have this one lonely privilege.

We get to see the universe in a way that nobody else can or ever will do. There’s no direct “connection” to be had there. Nobody sees anything like you see it. In that sense we are truly on our own.

But this seemingly sad, desperate state of affairs, can actually be a cause for excitement. Like the feeling we all must have experienced when we shot off as little toddling humans without a care in the world, while our anxious parents cried out - “Have you seen Jemima?”

And Jemima was happily somewhere gazing in awe at buttercups, or persecuting worms. Enjoying the separation from her parents. And possibly of the worms too.

We, in our lost moments, when it seems that nobody will ever understand, can choose to enjoy and embrace the privilege and the possibilities of all of that, instead of suffer and endure the apparent loneliness and frustration of the situation.

And we can joyfully acknowledge to ourselves - There really is Nobody Like Me.

- Also, even if you can’t understand what I mean completely here, you get it a little bit. That’s nice too.