Sing Something Simple
Is there a simple way of explaining the theory of relativity.
I dunno. I can’t pretend to understand it. But maybe there is. I love reading about the big ideas of science though, even when most, if not all of them, are beyond my capacity to truly grasp.
But I’m very grateful to writers who try to explain. Those who attempt to simplify the complicated ideas so that plebs like me can comprehend just a teeny, weeny bit. As though through a glass, darkly.
All the best songs do that too, I think. Though not in regard to scientific theory. Rather, a good song speaks to the breadth and depth of the emotion, confusion, and wonder of our human experience.
So….Sing Something Simple, is my advice to myself.
It’s hard to get it right, but when we do, a good song can capture a teaspoonful of the essence that makes us tick.
And that will always be appreciated by somebody.