That Sort Of Thing

If you ever feel embarrassed when you are the centre of attention, then join the club. In fact I think that there are very few people who automatically come alive under the spotlight. Maybe that originates from school experiences, when avoiding putting our hands up and getting the answer wrong or making a fool of ourselves in front of classmates was generally the order of the day.

Not many of us were taught by teachers like Mr. Keating, played by the great Robin William’s, in Dead Poet’s Society. The sort of leaders who bravely break through the accepted etiquette and behavioural rules, not for the sake of it, but to help others to grow and to overcome fear.

Without that kind of help, it’s something that we have to teach ourselves. Because, as it was for the young men in the film, so it often is for us: learning to be more comfortable under the spotlight can be a small step on the way to standing up for something that really matters.

I happen to think we need more of that sort of thing.


The Graveyard Crawl


James Robertson