The Desk Of Life

I get urges to organise everything. Especially computer stuff. Desk stuff. But, well, life in general. Everything in its right place. You know. Where I can control it.

And a tidy desktop is certainly a nice thing to have. Though usually, after my urges have been fed, a short way down the line, my attempts at order have …well, dissipated.

The Desk Of Life is another beast altogether. It isn’t, in anyway, a thing to be “in order”. Not at anytime. Not in a way we might like for sure.

That’s not to say that there isn’t “order” of some kind. But, to be honest, I think it’s mainly all beyond our ken.

But that’s OK.

Because on the Desk of Life, everything is already in its right place.

We either make peace with that, or we don’t.

ps. in the human world less is definitely more though, for those of lucky beans who are always able to obtain Stuff. Minimalism is trendy right now, it’s true, but there is a lot of value in working out what we really need.

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