The Habit Donkey

I am not a creature of habit.

The habits that I do follow are there in order to prevent me from drifting to the edge of the precipice, and plunging over the side of whatever it is in that far off unforeseen place.

I like to drift. I am a drifter. And drifting can be fun for a while. But the edge of the precipice is where my drifting would undoubtedly take me.

So I don’t begrudge HAVING to do some thing every day, every week, every month. Though, every day is undoubtedly the toughest. And, as you well know, I don’t always manage EVERY day.

But if I don’t, I have to get back on The Habit Donkey.

The Habit Donkey doesn’t like to get close to the precipice either. And that suits me very well thank you.


Humaning Something


An Event