The Little Bowl

I like this quote from another blog writing musician:

What does it mean to be famous? One definition might be to be known and respected the places you go. That said…one way to achieve fame is to simply limit (or be content with) the number of places you go”.

The big fish in The Little Bowl gets a bad rap. Maybe because we focus on the idea of someone acting as though they are a big deal and being too scared to find out how little a deal they really are, by moving to a bigger bowl.

But the quote above, suggests it doesn’t have to be that way. It can simply be a conscious decision, on the part of any of us who create, to enjoy what we have. To be content with being known and respected in the places we are known and respected.

For most of us that will always be within a little bowl.

We can enjoy the kind of fame we do have, not live forever hoping for the kind of fame we probably never will.

(And we don’t have to be a big fish about it!)


A Metaphor For Life


Well Done Me