The Stuck

I get stuck sometimes. In my head. It can, it used to be, a precursor to much worse.

But even now, despite knowing better, the first thing I do is to try and mentally fight my way out. I look around desperately for something to get me out of The Stuck. A distraction. Something to do. Or watch. Somewhere to be. Anything to stop me thinking.

But often the harder I try, the more I want to get out of it, the less energy I have, and the more the stuck sticks.

And it’s strange, but once I accept that, once I stop the struggle to “escape”, once I look straight at whatever it is that seems to be holding me… it, The Stuck, immediately starts to lose its power.

Being stuck usually has its own shelf life. It will usually lose its grip. But that shelf life will decrease far more rapidly when the stuckness is looked at directly, acknowledged, and then waved goodbye.


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