Walking The Talk

Returning to my epic walk to Iran, singing at Homesongs along the way. A journey that would make Frodo Baggins quake in his little Hobbit boots.

Like any big undertaking which, at least in your head, sounds nice or romantic or appealing ….learning to play a musical instrument, for example…it will involve putting one foot in front of the other. And then repeating. Often. Not just when I do it, but now as I get ready to do it.

The one step that I’ve already taken…and it could be argued, the most important one…is the step of, um, stepping more often. When you’ve got lots of days of walking to do…days upon days…the best kind of practice you can possible do, surely, is to do more walking.

And thats what I have been doing, as regular readers of this blog will know. My little regular four mile walks up the local hill, Beinn Ghuilean, are a small step in the right direction. No point in talking about walking to far off places, if a fella hasn’t even walked much in the place where he lives, is there?

Gotta start walking the talk.


Noises In The Dark


One More Night