Let’s Not Fight
We do fight.
And that’s just a fact of life.
Yet scratch beneath the surface of … all of us? … most of us? … well at least some of us… and there is a very definite desire to shout out loud…
Let’s Not Fight
I’ve done my own share of fighting, scratching, and scrabbling in the dirt over the years. Despite the fact that I generally have a fundamental wish to run away and hide from conflict. At least from conflict with those people who I’m afraid of to some degree. Or sometimes those people I like who, in my head, I’m scared might reject me if I think differently to them. I can be a bit of a wus.
But actually some conflict and disagreement is unavoidable. In fact it is necessary and good if we want to live in a stable and resilient peace with each other.
That constructive kind of conflict though, even if sometimes unpleasant, is to my mind very different from fighting. Fighting is about trying to come out on top. To defeat our opponent. Sometimes, sadly, to literally kill them. There are definite winners and losers. Which, sadly, can also be necessary when we or our loved ones are under unprovoked attack.
But, when push comes to shove, we are all made of the same stardust. We do all share the same blood, the same humanity. The same planet. All those cliches are true. Our underlying connection is far greater, stronger, and more profound than any perceived difference.
And that is a good reason to first of all attempt to build bridges and find reconciliation before we ever consider taking up arms against each other.
Or even before we simply try, consciously or unconsciously, to put another human being down.